Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week of 1/7/13

8 Tabata rounds (20 sec on 10 sec off) of:
■Wall Ball
■Sumo deadlift high pull
■Box jumps
■Push press
■Double Unders

Count total reps for each round.  Score = the lowest rep count out of the 8 rounds.

1 minute of rest after each round.

Note:  Perform 1, 20 second work set for each exercise with 10 seconds of rest between each.  Repeat this 8 times.  Do not do 8, 20 seconds work sets of the first exercise and then move on to the second.

Post score, weights used, and substitutions in comments.  


  1. 8-round tabata (20 sec on 10 sec off) of:
    ■Thrusters, 45lb bar
    ■Sumo deadlift high pull, 75lb KB
    ■Box jumps, 24"
    ■Push press, 35lb DBs
    ■Double Unders

    Count total reps for each round. Score = the lowest rep count out of the 8 rounds.

    1 minute of rest after each round.

    83, 85, 82, 80, 75, 75, 75, 74


  2. You're a badass Matt! Looking forward to Sunday! If I beat you, you owe me a beer!

  3. Yesssssss....I'm sure you guys will pick WOD's that I am weak in. So you'll beat me eventually I am sure.

  4. 8 Tabata rounds (20 sec on 10 sec off) of:
    ■Wall Ball (20#, 10') - 12-10-10-11-10-10-12-10
    ■Power cleans (135#) - 5-6-6-6-4-4-4-5
    ■Box jumps (24") - 5-7-7-6-5-5-6-6
    ■Push press (135#) - 10-9-7-7-7-5-5-6
    ■Double Unders - 21-24-23-26-20-27-20-28

    High round: 62
    Low round: 46
    Total reps: 423

    1. Awesome job Milton!!! And I dig the tie man! :)

  5. 8 rounds, Tabata scoring:
    20# Wall Ball shots - 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12
    95# SDHP - 11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11
    23" (that's all I could finagle) Box Jump - 12-13-14-14-14-15-14-14
    95# Push Press - 12-13-13-13-13-13-13-13
    Double Unders - 29-24-21-21-20-7-7-7

    High Score: 75
    Low Score: 56

    Damn double unders... and my low ceiling-ed garage.

  6. I win a beer from Matt!
    I completely FAILED to keep individual counts such as the overachiever Jeff above....
    8 rounds, Tabata Scoring
    Wall Ball 14 lbs.
    SDHP 75 lbs
    Box Jump 18"
    Push Press 75 lbs.
    Double Unders
    High Round 85
    Low Round 76

  7. 72-77-68-65-62-69-47-56


  8. I'm a little late to the posting party...but managed to finish a half-tabata.

    Wall Ball 20#
    Hang Power Cleans 135#
    Box Jumps 24"
    Push Press 135#

    68, 61, 60, 59
